About the Photographer

Well, there isn't much to hear except that I fell in love with being behind a camera. I started at a young age, posing my friends, dressing up, trying to take the most unique photos and putting them up on my computer. As I grew older, it wasn't until the summer after I graduated from high school that I truly found my calling.

I have an obsession with reeses, twilight, and NCIS. I know - I'm a nerd. I love bright colors, i love things that sparkle and I absolutely love to laugh! (I guess that's why my fiance tries to be funny all the time). I use to dance all through my teen years, I am awful at bowling, and I duck when someone throws a ball at me. My favorite season is spring, and I am always willing to murder anyone in a game of monopoly ;)

I'm a soon to be wife, a college student, a best friend, a daughter, and there isn't anything that can change that. All I can hope for is to be able to capture YOU, and all the words that describe you in a photo.

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